Monday, October 29, 2012

Psychology and Religion

For centuries western philosophy of mind and metaphysics spoke only to the conscious aspects of the self in its description and analysis, which led to schools of philosophy and metaphysics that denied the unconscious had existence because statements in words were not applicable and adequate to describe it. In psychology today, extended forms of classical behaviorism have taken the place of any attempt to analyze the unconscious spectrum of self or unconscious spectrum of Self. The rule of the day is repress the motion of shapes causing neurosis to further and further degrees by demanding conditioning of the organism to proportionate levels of adaptive behavior, workers for the rulers, the punishment-reward system. But with the established cultural symbols of religion on the wane, and the archetypes of the age in transformation, these psychologists, unconscious of these aspects of the Self, have become the new high priests of culture in democracy's devolutionary development into an ultra-fascistic socialist state. The state becomes god, and substantiates itself through the dictates of the "high priests and priestesses" who do not dare bite the hand that feeds them. These symptoms occur when the established gods of the culture no longer function adequately. Man needs god. Our age is in a transformation and/or metamorphosis of natural symbols.