Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Aliens, Atlantis, Books and Movies: What's your take?

A: Encounters is a Masterpiece, given either one of these two perspectives. I'll explain.

I: Please do. This should increase the resolutions on a number of issues regarding this Subject-Matter.

A: The differentiating factor between the lenses of these two masks of the Realitys of Spirit is the way they view the beings who come out of the space craft. Are they ALIEN OR ANCESTRAL?

I: These are the beings that look like the figures in your paintings, which you call self-portraits, Personalized Mandalas or Self-Portraits-In-Time?

A: Yes, the Egyptians and Atlantians, ancestral spirits from the Pyramid Cults.

I: Continue.

A: As best I can recall, somewhere along the line somebody related the idea for this movie to a book called The Moth Man Prophecies and Edgar Cayce, but Spielburg put a decidedly Judeo-Christian touch to it, regardless of the origin of the idea. The movie has as its primary characters... (interrupted)

I: Two abstract artists...???

A: Why, yes.

I: "They saw the light," possibly the first born son of light, so to speak.

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